Hoe kan ik bij mijn gevoel komen? πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

Ook ik had deze vraag!

Jarenlang had ik moeite om verbinding te maken met mijn emoties. Ik was een pleaser en probeerde goedkeuring van anderen te krijgen om via hen mijzelf “goed” te voelen. Ik voelde alleen wat als ik plots een woedeuitbarsting kreeg en was dan helemaal ontregeld πŸ˜….

Tijdens mijn reis van zelfbewustwording begon ik emoties te ontdekken die ik lang had genegeerd. Hierdoor heb ik een diepere verbinding met mezelf gekregen de mensen om me heen.

Door je emoties te verkennen in een veilige en ondersteunende omgeving, krijg je helderheid, kracht en de moed om authentieker te worden.

Do you recognize any of the following beliefs?

➑️ Ik weet eigenlijk niet wat ik voel.

➑️ Als ik gevoel toelaat verlies ik misschien de controle.

➑️ Echte mannen huilen niet.

➑️ Ik weet niet wat er allemaal naar boven gaat komen.

➑️ Ik moet sterk blijven voor mijn omgeving

What to expect

βœ… Laughing together about our patterns πŸ˜„

βœ… Sharing your stories safely with objective men

βœ… Low-impact walk without preparations

βœ… Gain insights into your (negative) beliefs

Walk with no obligation! πŸšΆπŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Register for our walk


Since our walking groups are not supervised by psychologists or counselors, we follow some guidelines to ensure a safe environment for all men.

We want to emphasize that we no judgement have about your personal situation. These guidelines are only there to ensure that we can offer our activities safely and qualitatively, both for you and for other men.

Our community is right for you if you:

βœ… Have had at least 6 months of support from a coach and/or psychologist.
βœ… Understands that you are responsible for your own well-being: spiritual, emotional, physical and mental.
βœ… Understands that Men's Journey is in no way a substitute for therapy or the mental health system.

Our community is NOT suitable for you if you:

❌ Have an active addiction to alcohol, drugs or other narcotics.
❌ Experiencing psychological symptoms that require professional counseling or treatment.

If in doubt, feel free to contact us for consultation!

βœ… The tribe is a place

❌ The tribe is NOT a place

Where you can truly be yourself, free from judgmenJust to chat socially
Where you can share openly and honestly, without holding backTo share business successes and wild stories
For self-discovery and personal growthAs a substitute for professional therapy / mental health care
With authentic, direct and honest menTo promote yourself professionally (e.g., as a coach πŸ˜‰ )
To explore and embrace your masculinityFor someone with a spiritual bypass
Where you have the courage to confront yourselfFor casual small talk

πŸ€” FAQ

What are costs?

You’re welcome to join us forΒ 2 non-binding walks To see if there is a click. Do you find the tribe valuable? Then we ask an annual fee of €129.

How long is the walk?

The walks last a total of 1 hour. For an overview of our walks see this page.

How often does the walk take place?

Currently, our walks take place on a weekly basis.

Who is guiding the walks?

We have people who figure as hosts. They will give some instructions to lead the groups.

Are there guidelines for participating?

Since our walking groups are not supervised by psychologists or counselors, we use some guidelines to ensure a safe environment for all men.

We want to emphasize that we no judgement have about anyone's personal situation but these guidelines are only meant to ensure that we can offer our activities safely and qualitatively to you and other men.

Our community is NOT suitable for men who:

❌ Have an active addiction to alcohol, drugs or other narcotics.

❌ Experiencing severe psychological symptoms that require professional counseling or treatment.

❌ Expect Men's Journey to provide a substitute for professional mental health services.

By signing up, you confirm that you have read these guidelines and that participation is appropriate for your situation.

If in doubt, feel free to contact us for consultation!

Who is your target audience?

To give an idea of our current members:

  • 58% entrepreneur
  • 88% has experience with a psychologist or coach
  • 78% is between 30-45 years of age
  • 64% struggles with relationships
  • 59% is father
  • 100% is open to connection and growth

To provide safety for the group, we are there for men who:

βœ… Wanting to participate out of their own motivation and daring to take ownership.

βœ… Wanting to develop on path to adult masculinity and be engaged in self-development.

βœ… Have been with a psychologist or coach at least 6 months in their life and can reflect on their themes.

We are not here for men who:

❌ Looking for replacement for therapy

❌ Looking for an accountability group

❌ Not meeting our frameworks

In what locations do you hike?
  • Alkmaar
  • Amsterdam
  • Doetinchem
  • The Hague
  • Haarlem
  • Groningen
  • Other locations upon request and sufficient interest
What if I have questions?

If you still have questions, check out our contact page!

Our men

58% is an entrepreneur

88% Has experience with a psychologist or coach

78% is between 30-45 years of age

64% Has difficulty with relationships

59% is father

100% Is open to connection and growth