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Since our walking groups are not supervised by psychologists or counselors, we follow some guidelines to ensure a safe environment for all men.

We want to emphasize that we no judgement have about your personal situation. These guidelines are only there to ensure that we can offer our activities safely and qualitatively, both for you and for other men.

Our community is right for you if you:

✅ Have had at least 6 months of support from a coach and/or psychologist.
✅ Understands that you are responsible for your own well-being: spiritual, emotional, physical and mental.
✅ Understands that Men's Journey is in no way a substitute for therapy or the mental health system.

Our community is NOT suitable for you if you:

❌ Have an active addiction to alcohol, drugs or other narcotics.
❌ Experiencing psychological symptoms that require professional counseling or treatment.

If in doubt, feel free to contact us for consultation!